Heel eenvoudig, maar onweerstaanbaar lekker. Mix Paulies Ginger Original met tonic. (evt. met ijsblokjes) Garneer het feestelijk met citroen en...
Check the receptHeel eenvoudig, maar onweerstaanbaar lekker. Mix Paulies Ginger Original met tonic. (evt. met ijsblokjes) Garneer het feestelijk met citroen en...
Check the receptPaulies Ginger in de mix met bruiswater, als garnering een schijfje citroen en takje rozemarijn en proosten maar. ⭐️ Ingrediënten: ...
Check the receptPaulies Ginger Original Max gemixt met perensap (of appelsap) is goddelijk. De scherpe Max samen met de zoete perensap is...
Check the receptThis recipe was developed by our one and only Vicenzo. He is at the market in Leiden every Saturday. Here...
Check the receptPaulies Pompoensoep🫚 🎃 Voor 1,5/ 2 liter soep Ingrediënten: 30 ml Paulies Ginger Original Max 1 flespompoen halve normale pompoen 1 sinaasappel...
Check the receptPaulies Pompoen smoothie 🫚 🎃 Pompoen banaan sinaasappel gember Voor 2 personen/ benodigdheden: blender Ingrediënten: 30ml Paulies Ginger (smaak naar...
Check the receptINGREDIENTS: (for a person) 15 ml PAULIES ORIGINAL 50 ml cloudy apple juice 10 ml lemon juice 100ml hot water ...
Check the receptFor 1 mocktail This is a really delicious drink with a warm effect due to the cinnamon. Ingredients: 20ml PAULIES...
Check the receptChai latte: choose this delicious, spicy hot drink. Chai is the word for tea in India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey...
Check the receptGolden Milk is an increasingly popular drink from India. It is famous for the healthy ingredients of turmeric, ginger and...
Check the receptINGREDIENTS: (for a person) 40 ml PAULIES ORIGINAL or TURMERIC 250 ml hot water lemon honey cinnamon stick and optional star...
Check the receptA delicious and quick ginger and/or turmeric tea with a hint of sweetness. INGREDIENTS: (for a person) 40 ml PAULIES ORIGINAL...
Check the receptJaa, ik wil gemberijs 😀 Hoe? Het is heel eenvoudig. Benodigdheden: IJsvormpjes (te koop oa. bij de Hema) Paulies Ginger...
Check the receptRECIPE 1 difficulty ** Ingredients for 1 mocktail: cocktail shaker or a Mason Jar (preserving jar) perfect glass: beer mug...
Check the receptErvaar de ultieme smaak en mix een 0.0 biertje (bijvoorbeeld Uiltje) met Paulies Ginger Original. Ingrediënten (1 drankje) 20 ml PAULIES...
Check the receptFor 1 mocktail: Ingredients: 20ml PAULIES GINGER OriginalRose Lemonade Can/bottle (Fentimans)sprig of rosemaryice cubesstraw Perfect Serve: Pour the Paulies Ginger...
Check the receptFor 1 mocktail: Necessities: perfect glass: long drink glass Ingredients: 20ml PAULIES GINGER Original 4 strawberries (1 for garnish) 20ml...
Check the receptRECIPE 1 (Difficulty **) Ingredients for 1 mocktail: cocktail shaker or a Mason Jar perfect glass: long drink glass Ingredients...
Check the receptRECIPE 1 Difficulty ** For 1 mocktail: Necessities: cocktail shaker or a Mason Jar perfect glass: cocktail/martini glass Ingredients: 30ml...
Check the receptThis is a really great combination, carrot juice mixed with one of our Raw flavors. What a taste sensation. INGREDIENTS: (for a...
Check the receptINGREDIENTS: (for a person) 30 ml PAULIES ORIGINAL or TURMERIC top up with 150/200ml cold water sprig of mint possibly ice...
Check the receptINGREDIENTS: (for a person) 40 ml PAULIES GINGER Original ice cubes 100 ml grapefruit juice splash of sparkling water 10ml...
Check the receptWe prefer to drink the perfect serve in a nice glass, with an ice cube and a festive garnish of...
Check the receptThe subtle bitterness and warming herbal flavors of Mediterranean Tonic pair beautifully with turmeric and ginger to create a refreshing,...
Check the receptRECIPE 1 Difficulty ** Ingredients for 1 mocktail: Cocktail shaker or a Mason Jar (preserving jar) Perfect glass: copper mug...
Check the receptRECIPE 1 (Difficulty **) Ingredients for 1 mocktail: cocktail shaker or a Mason Jar sieve perfect glass: long drink glass...
Check the receptRECIPE 1 (Difficulty **) Ingredients for 1 mocktail: Cocktail shaker or a Mason Jar (preserving jar) perfect glass: long drink...
Check the receptFor 1 mocktail: Necessities: Cocktail shaker or a Mason Jar (preserving jar) Perfect glass: rocks Ingredients: 30ml PAULIES GINGER Turmeric...
Check the recept